- "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" sama artinya dengan (Beruk di hutan disusukan, punai di tangan dilepaskan)
- "Kill two birds with one stone" sama artinya dengan (Sekali mendayung dua tiga pulau terlampaui)
- "A little knowledge is a dangerous" artinya sedikit pengetahuan adalah sesuatu yang berbahaya
- "A friend in need is a friend indeed" sama artinya dengan (Teman sejati ada saat dibutuhkan)
- "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" sama artinya dengan (Alang berjawab, tepuk berbatas atau Ada ubi ada talas, ada budi ada balas)
- "There is a snake under the grass" sama artinya dengan (Ada musuh dibalik selimut)
- "Don't cry over spilt milk" sama artinya dengan (Nasi sudah menjadi bubur)
- "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" sama artinya dengan (Dikasih hati minta jantung)
- "You have captured the stars, now reach for the moon" artinya kau telah mendapatkan bintang, sekarang raihlah bulan
- "Make hay while the sun is shining" sama artinya dengan (keringkan jerami saat matahari bersinar)
- "Them's figthing words" artinya perbuatan adalah wujud dari tindakan
- "There is no accounting for taste" artinya Tak ada ukuran untuk rasa
- "There is more than one way to skin a cat" artinya (Banyak jalan menuju Roma)
- "Variety is the spice of life" sama artinya dengan (Keanekaragaman adalah bumbu kehidupan)
- "Walls have ears" artinya seseorang mungkin akan menguping ketika kamu sedang berbicara.
- "What's done is done" sama artinya dengan (Yang berlalu biarlah berlalu)
- "When in Rome do as the Romans do" sama artinya dengan (Lain ladang lain illalang, lain lubuk lain ikannya).
- "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" artinya kau akan sulit mengajarkan orang tua dengan hal yang baru.
- "All roads lead to Rome" sama artinya dengan (Banyak jalan menuju Roma).
- "Love of the motherland is the most beautiful opinion that can glory the society" artinya Cinta tanah air dapat mempersatukan masyarakat.
- "The man who doesn't know, and he doesn't know, he is honest, teach him" artinya seorang yang tidak tahu, dan dia benar-benar tak tahu, dia termasuk orang yang jujur, belajarlah padanya.
- "Something that annoys you must not be done to the others" artinya sesuatu yang menganggumu jangan lakukan pada orang lain.
- "A good book is a good friend" artinya Buku yang bermandaat adalah teman yang berarti.
- "It is better to do well than you say well" artinya lebih baik berbuat baik daripada sekedar berkata baik.
- "Real sorrow does't exist and real joy doesn't either" sama artinya dengan (kalau sedih jangan berlarut-larut kalau senang jangan pula)
- "A wiseman speaks sincerely" artinya orang bijak akan berkata sungguh-sungguh
- "To know nothing is better than know half" sama artinya dengan (Lebih baik tidak tau sama sekali dari pada tau setenga-setengah)
- "Praise is the wise way to get sympathy" artinya memuji adalah cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan perhatian.
- "A minute careless may destroy what was bulit in a age" sama artinya dengan (Setitik nila, rusak susu sebelanga)
- "Let by gones be by gones" sama artinya dengan (yang berlalu biarlah berlalu)
- "Give respect to the other's idea, don't say that is wrong" artinya Hargai setiap pendapat orang lain jangan katakan itu salah.
- "Leaves don't wave if there is no wind" sama artinya dengan (Tak ada asap tanpa api)
- "Heart love is the strong love, but eye love can't hold on war" artinya Mencintai dengan hati lebih kuat daripada mencintai dengan mata hanya akan memunculkan perpecahan.
- "First love is very beautiful to remember, but it's not best to do" artinya Cinta pertama sangat indah dikenang, tepi tak selalu terbaik untuk dilakukan.
- "The man who doesn't know, and he doesn't know that he doesn't know, he is stupid man. Go away from him" artinya Seorang yang tak tahu, dan ia tak tahu tentang apa yang tidak ia tahu, dia adalah orang bodoh. Jauhi orang itu.
- "They who gossip to you, will gossip about you" artinya mereka yang bergosip denganmu, akan menggosipkanmu dirimu juga.
- "Confessing is gentle and respectable" artinya Pengakuan adalah sebuah keberanian dan kehormatan.
- "Small deed is more precious thank great talk" artinya Perbuatan kecil lebih berharga daripada omongan besar.
- "Do not take advantage of somebody" sama artinya dengan (Jangan mengambil kesempatan dalam kesempitan)
- "Barking dogs seldom bite" artinya anjing menggonggong jarang mengigit.
- "To have an axe to grind" sama artinya dengan (Ada udang di balik batu)
- "One scabbed sheep is enough to spoil a flock" sama artinya dengan (Sebab nila setitik rusak susu sebelanga).
- "To cherish a viper in one's bosom" sama artinya dengan (Air susu dibalas air tuba)
- "To fish in troubled waters" sama artinya dengan (Memancing di air keruh)
- "Cut your coat according to your cloth" sama artinya dengan (Bayang-bayang hendaklah sepanjang badan)
- "To carry coals to New-castle" sama artinya dengan (Membuang garam ke laut)
- "The pot calls the cattle black" sama artinya dengan (Udang hendak mengatai ikan)
- "He is a dog in the manger" sama artinya dengan (Badak-badak, minta aku daging; Bangau2, minta aku leher)
- "A thorn in one's flesh" sama artinya dengan (Seperti duri dalam daging)
- "Home, sweet home" sama artinya dengan (Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri awak, elok juga di negeri awak)
- "Huge winds blow on high hills" sama artinya dengan (Besar kapal besar gelombangnya, besar kayu besar dahannya)
- "No rose without thorn" sama artinya dengan (Tiada gading yang tak retak)
- "Like father, like child" sama artinya dengan (Air cucuran atap jatuhnya ke pelimpahan juga)
- "Misfortunes never come singly"sama artinya dengan (Antan patah, lesung hilang)
- "Out of the frying-pan into the fire" sama artinya dengan (Lepas dari mulut harimau jatuh ke mulut buaya)
- "To behold the mote in the eye of one's neighbour, but not the beam in one's own" sama artinya dengan (Gajah di kelopak mata tak tampak, kuman di seberang lautan tampak)
- "Once a use and ever a custom" sama artinya dengan(Kebiasaan menjadi tabiat)
- "Strike the iron while it is hot" sama artinya dengan (Menjemur di waktu hari panas)
- "Such things bring grist to his mill" sama artinya dengan (Pucuk dicinta ulam tiba)
- "Such as the tree, such is the fruit" sama artinya dengan (Bagaimana biduk, bagaimana pengayuh)
- "The apple falls near the tree" sama artinya dengan (Air cucuran atap jatuhnya ke pelimpahan juga)
- "Harm set, haram get" sama artinya dengan (Siapa menggali lubang, ia juga terperosok ke dalamnya)
- "After rin comes sunshine sama artinya dengan (Sesudah hujan datang terang)
- "is bread is buttered on both sides"sama artinya dengan( Seperti parang bermata dua)
- There is no smoke without a fire" sama artinya dengan( Kalau tak ada api takkan ada asap)
- "he right man in the right place"sama artinya dengan ( Asal ayam pulang ke lesung, asal itik pulang ke pelimpahan).
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Peribahasa (Proverb) Bahasa Inggris yang Serupa dengan Peribahasa Indonesia
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Analysis with Theory of Michle Riffattere Heuristic and Hermeneutic of Bohemian Rhapsody Lyric
Hermeneutics is the art and
science of interpretation. In this discussion, a “text” may
be a book, a lyric, an article, something to read or something to view, such as
a painting or sculpture. In the case of visual texts, the word “read”
takes on new meaning. hermeneutics will enable you to do
careful analysis that leads to more accurate interpretation. On the other hand
there are heuristics.
Heuristic comes
from a Greek word that means “to discover.” Heuristics help us to do
analysis that involves better observation, interpretation, and application
of whatever we are studying.
Is this the real life? (Who was involved
and what happend in his life?)
Is this just fantasy? (What is wish and
hope that can’t be reality?)
Caught in a landslide (Traped in a
problem of his life)
No escape from reality (some one who can’t
escape from reality life)
Open your eyes (Please be open mind and
look arround of the reality life)
The writer wants to tell about his life that he can’t accepted
the reality. He realized that his life
is traped in a problem which can’t be escape out by self. So, he want to the
other for be open mind with his different and accept the reality that happpend in real life.
Look up to the skies and see (Look in
your above there is a sky)
I'm just a poor boy (poor boy), I need
no sympathy (Some one feel disapointed but dont need a sympathy)
Because I'm easy come, easy go little
high, little low (The man is easy going)
Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really
matter to me, to me (The wind blows in every stream flow, but the man doesn’t
care about it)
lyric aim to tell the reader, when you feel confident with your decission stay
on your body and turn your face into the sky don’t be shy. Although he (the writer)
feel disapointed with his life but he don’t need sympathy by others. Because he
is easy going man but he don’t care about the other speak to him about the
Mama, just killed a man, Put a gun
against his head, Pulled my trigger, now he's dead (His mother has been kill a
man by a shot of gun)
Mama, life had just begun (he tells to
his mother that life already begin at the momment)
But now I've gone and thrown it all away
(he want go and throw all the something)
Mama, ooo..... Didn't mean to make you
cry (he tells his mother that he didn’t want to make her cry about he did)
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow,
Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters (When the man not go home at
tommorow, he wants the mother to don’t ask him back because he didn’t allow it)
mother has been changed the man (freddie) with the natural of his masculinity.
The man think that his life already begun with the newborn. He want to move on
of his past life. In otherwise, the man didn’t want to make his mother cry but
don’t want the mother to ask him back in like in the past life.
It's too late, my time has come (the man
didn’t realized that time is over to
Sends shivers down my spine (the man
feel shiver in his spine)
Body's aching all the time (he feel
aching the body everytime)
Goodbye everybody - I've got to go (He
say “good bye” to everybody and have to go)
Gotta leave you all behind and face the
truth (He leave all behind him and face the reality)
Mama, ooo - (anyway the wind blows), I
don't want to die (he tells her Mother that he don’t want to die)
I sometimes wish I'd never been born at
all (he wish be born again)
man (freddie) realized that time is over to come back, he feel aching at all of
him life. He want to the people to know that him will go and leave him problem
behind to face the reality of life. So, he will be newborn again.
I see a little silhouetto of a man
(someone see a little shadow of a man)
Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do
the fandango? (The man said scaramouche “clown in dell’arte comedy” and asking
will you do fandago dance?)
Thunderbolts and lightning - very very
frightening me (The man feel frighten when thunderbolts and lighting occur)
Galileo, Galileo,Galileo, Galileo, Galileo
Figaro - magnifico-o-o-o (the man said Galileo “Sciene Founding Father” Figaro
and Magnifico “France : Good”).
seen the darkside of himself. He wants act like the funny clown in the opera
althought the people presure him any opinion. It’s like the story of Galileo
when he state a new theory of science but people around him just underestimate.
I'm just a poor boy nobody loves me (he
feel sad because no one love him)
He's just a poor boy from a poor family
(He is a unlucky boy from poor family)
Spare him his life from this monstrosity
(He spare his life with a monstrosity)
Easy come easy go - will you let me go
(He is easy going but he ask to other that anyone have the heart to leave him
Bismillah! No - we will not let you go -
let him go 3x (Bismillah “with the name of God in Moslem” They wouldn’t leave
him alone)
Will not let you go - let me go (never)
(They will not leave him)
Never let you go - let me go, Never let
me go – ooo, No, no, no, no, no, no, no – (Never let him go)
lyric above tells that Fredie feel poor because no body loves him. He know that
born with monstrosity is a problem in his life but he don’t want everybody
leave him. He just want to be respected with diversity.
Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me
go (He said mamamia and don’t let him go)
Beelzebub has the devil put aside for me
(Beelzebub “God fly/ God of Evil” has in
his soul)
man tell to the other not to let him go beacuse the devil has inside on his
So you think you can stone me and spit
in my eye? (The man ask that other think can stone and spit his one of his eye)
So you think you can love me and leave
me to die? (The man ask that other think can love him and don’t care that he
Oh baby - can't do this to me baby (The
other can do it to him)
Just gotta get out - just gotta get
right outta here (He wants to the other to go out from the man stand)
man thinks that every body can’t underestimate him. Sometimes they love his perfomance
in Queen but hate him with his monstrosity. Freddie hates someone who treat him
like that.
Ooh yeah, ooh yeah (The expressing of
Nothing really matters (Nevermind)
Anyone can see (Every body can seen)
Nothing really matters, nothing really
matters, to me (There is no matter to him)
Anyway the wind blows... (Wind blows in
every stream flow)
he feel satisfied with his independency and principles, no matter people
pressure him with their opinions he will be himself. He don’t care with the
majority people hates him, they just do the people commonly do.
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